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Influencing Patient Education through Salience &  Self-efficacy


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Key Terms


Health Literacy

According to the CDC, health literacy is comprised of 2 components: personal health literacy and organizational health literacy  . Personal health literacy refers to the extent that individuals can find, process and use health information and services to make well-informed health decisions. Organizational health literacy refers to organizations that equitably empower their patients to utilize and strengthen their personal health literacy. These types of organizations prioritize the patient's ability to understand complex health information to make decisions, navigate the health system and encourage patient to engage in their care. 




Salience refers to how individuals take in, process and prioritize information in their environment its influence on decision making.  Salience can be affected by various factors such as how novel the information is, strong emotional impact, intensity of stimuli and relevance of information based on the individual's interest, values and context  .  It can also attributed to availability heuristic (our tendency to rely on information we can recall faster) and cognitive ease (our preference to refer to information that is easier to process)  .





Intervention context refers to the setting where intervention and desired action take place . Situated interventions are applied in the same context in which the desired behavior is targeted. Remote interventions refer to interventions applied away from the context where the desired behavior is intended. For example, if the desired action is for patients to sign up for a patient portal, a situated intervention could encourage that action while the patient is at their doctor's appointment. An example of a remote intervention is a marketing email sent to the patient's personal email to encourage them to sign up for the patient portal.

Intervention Context




Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in being able to successfully complete a task. It is not dependent on if someone's skillset, but rather if they are the ability to take action on it  . Self-efficacy plays a large role in how people approach their goals. For example, a patient's self-efficacy can significantly affect how they manage their chronic illnesses and ultimately reduce their use of costly healthcare resources. 

Mobilize Action through Patient Education

Focusing on bolstering patient education and increasing health literacy is one of the most impactful ways organizations can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. When patients have accessible and easy to understand information, they're able to make well-informed lifestyle changes and decisions about their care.


Conversely, inadequate patient education and limited health literacy have profound and far-reaching consequences. Limited personal and organizational health literacy can manifest in many ways and are often cyclical in nature. Some examples that highlight the duality of personal and organizational health literacy are:

  • Poor communication: Provider using overly complex clinical language and the patient not asking for clarification

  • Prescription issues: Provider making clinical errors in prescription or patient not adhering to treatment plans

  •  Confusion navigating the health system: Organizations inadequately following up with patients on care or delaying referrals

  • Neglecting care: Patient neglecting timely care for health issues, enabling issues to escalate

  • Lengthier and costly readmissions: After inpatient admission, patient not making necessary behavior modifications, resulting in avoidable readmissions








The downstream effects of limited health literacy are immense. The estimated cost to the US economy is a staggering $349 billion per year .






​Limited health literacy is also inextricably linked to socioeconomic status, another component of the Social Determinants of Health. Only an estimated 12% of Americans are deemed proficient in health literacy skills  . Patient populations disproportionately affected by lower health literacy are patients 65 and older, Medicaid patients, Black, Latin X and Native American patients, and patients with limited English proficiency or non-native speakers. 


Despite the significant challenges posed by limited health literacy, we can use powerful, yet simple insights from behavioral science research to transform this problem. On this deep dive, we will focus on making care delivery more salient and enhancing patient self-efficacy, especially when managing chronic diseases.


Increasing salience in care delivery is a low cost and high impact way to influence health outcomes. Luckily this doesn't involve complex education or training. It merely involves an intentional look at how the organization and providers communicate to patients. For example, a quick memo could be sent to clinicians highlighting the power of framing when communicating treatment options to patients. In the behavioral science field, research has repeatedly shown how influencial framing can be. One of the most foundational studies conducted by Amos Tversky (one of the forefathers of behavioral science) shed light on the power of framing in the healthcare context. They recruited participants to determine their preference for surgery when given a diagnosis of lung cancer. When the surgery was framed as having a 90% survival rate, 84% of patients opted in. When surgery was framed as having a 10% mortality rate, only 50% opted in  . Simply adjusting the frame for surgical outcomes altered the surgical opt-in rate by 34%! This powerful study highlights how increasing salience by emotional impact greatly affects decision making. 


Research also shows the promising results of implementing situated (over remote) interventions when aiming for sustainable behavior change  . Last week, we dove into unique advantages of utilizing social norms to maximize elderly patient engagement. One of the interventions identified was offering contextual demonstrations of digital tools to elderly patients during their healthcare visits. In terms of making care more salient, we can apply this methodology to all patients. If a patient expresses that they want to sign up for the patient portal, clinicians or front desk staff can demonstrate signing up and using the tool during the appointment, thus making the behavior more salient to the patient. This could increase the likelihood that the patient continues to use the portal for a couple potential reasons. Using the portal might be more salient because how of how novel the tool is or even the emotional impact of someone spending the time with them to accomplish a goal they expressed. Implementing this type of situated intervention during the patient's appointment could yield lasting behavior change over a remote intervention of emailing a patient to sign-up and use the portal.


Boosting patients' self-efficacy is another way to strengthen personal health literacy and is a critical component on tackling the chronic disease epidemic in the US. An estimated that 60% of Americans have at least 1 chronic disease and 40% have 2 or more. Moreover, based on the CDC, approximately 90% of healthcare expenditure ($3.7 trillion a year) goes toward managing chronic diseases and subsequent mental illnesses  . Self-efficacy, an individual's belief in their abilities, especially plays a huge role in how patients manage chronic diseases. Based on their beliefs to sustain lifestyle and behavioral changes, patients can prevent and properly manage their ailments and reduce healthcare utilization. There are bodies of research that echo similar messages: enhancing patient self efficacy leads to better outcomes. Below, we explore various interventions to improve self-efficacy.


Improving patient education and health literacy doesn't have to involve taxing and complicated interventions to work. Join Banyan Consulting Co, and together we'll develop simple and powerful ways to bolster patient education and health literacy today!  


Enhancing Salience

Simplified Communication:  Disseminate easy to digest weekly emails/memos to clinicians that highlight the impact of making information more salient for the patient. This includes using plain language, avoiding medical jargon, and incorporating visual aids and using framing to encourage patients to adopt healthy behaviors.


Multilingual Resources: Providing health information in multiple languages spoken by the patient population can enhance understanding and adherence to medical advice. 


Video and Visual Supports: Using video and other visual aids to explain health information can significantly improve patient comprehension and engagement


Improving Self-Efficacy

Self-Management Programs: Develop programs or resources that teach patients how to manage their conditions, make informed decisions, and adhere to their treatment plans. These programs could include components such as goal setting, problem-solving, and planning expected obstacles.


Telehealth: Telehealth services provide remote support and education, allowing patients to manage their conditions more effectively from home. This approach has been particularly beneficial for patients in rural or underserved area.


Mobile Applications: Health apps that offer reminders, educational content, and tracking tools can empower patients to take control of their health. These apps can also facilitate better communication between patients and healthcare providers. 


Online or In-Person Communities: Provide resources that enable patients to connect with peers, share experiences, and access support can enhance self-efficacy. These communities provide a sense of belonging and motivation, which are crucial for managing chronic conditions.


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023. “What Is Health Literacy? .” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. July 11, 2023.

‌2. “Salience - the Behavioral Scientist.” n.d. Https:// Accessed May 25, 2024.

‌3. “Salience.” n.d. The Decision Lab.

4. Yamin, Paulius, Maria Fei, Saadi Lahlou, and Sara Levy. 2019. "Using Social Norms to Change Behavior and Increase Sustainability in the Real World: a Systematic Review of the Literature" Sustainability 11, no. 20: 5847.

5. “Self Efficacy - the Behavioral Scientist.” n.d. Https:// Accessed May 25, 2024.


7. “How Prevalent Is Low Health Literacy? | Pfizer.” n.d.

8. McNeil, Barbara J., Stephen G. Pauker, Harold C. Sox, and Amos Tversky. 1982. “On the Elicitation of Preferences for Alternative Therapies.” New England Journal of Medicine 306 (21): 1259–62.


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