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The Impact of Demographic Inequalities & Provider Biases on Healthcare Access & Quality


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Key Terms


Demographic Inequalities

Demographic inequalities refer to disparities in healthcare quality and access that arise due to differences in race, socioeconomic status, gender, age, geographic location, and other relevant factors. These inequalities can significantly affect both the availability and quality of healthcare services, leading to varied health outcomes among different population groups. 


Implicit Bias

Implicit bias refers to the unconscious attitudes, stereotypes, or associations that influence our understanding, actions, and decisions. Unlike explicit biases, which are conscious and deliberate, implicit biases operate outside of our awareness and can affect our behavior in ways we do not realize.


Provider Bias

Provider bias refers to the beliefs or stereotypes held by healthcare providers that unconsciously influence their decision-making and, consequently, impact patient health outcomes. When these biases are implicit, they operate outside of the provider's conscious awareness, affecting how they perceive and interact with patients. A provider's unconscious bias can result in differences in how they diagnose, recommend treatment and communicate to a patient, any of which can greatly affect how patients fare. 

Breaking It Down: How Biases Manifest in Healthcare

In our modern healthcare landscape, full of groundbreaking scientific and technologic advances, one would expect that equitable healthcare quality and access would be guaranteed for all patients. However, despite the progress we've made in care delivery, implicit biases associated with demographic inequalities continue to significantly impact health outcomes. As one of my wise graduate school professors said "Anything involving humans will be a messy endeavor", and that could not be more true in healthcare.


As we've explored through the Social Determinants of health, there are many factors that profoundly affect health outcomes, such as socioeconomic status, physical environment, social context and patient literacy. However, addressing and overcoming unconscious biases is one of the most challenging aspects to manage and regulate. Disparities caused by biases are not merely statistics; they translate into real-world consequences affecting millions of lives. Though there are many ways to slice and dice a population, this article delves into how biases relating to gender and race shape health outcomes and perpetuate inequalities in healthcare delivery.


How the Clinical Environment Fuels Biased Decision-Making

The clinical environment is fast-paced and complex, requiring clinicians to manage numerous patients, stay on top of charting and administrative duties and fulfill other responsibilities within a tight schedule. Clinical decision-making often involves a high degree of uncertainty based on what the patient reports and unknowns in how the patient's environment, genetic makeup or lifestyle is contributing to their issue. At times, a patient's symptoms or lab results do not clearly indicate a diagnosis, compelling providers to rely on their prior experiences to make informed decisions.


This challenging environment, combined with demanding workloads, long hours, and occasionally uncooperative patients, adds significant emotional stress to healthcare professionals. These conditions create a perfect storm for biases to emerge, as the environment often forces clinicians to rely on automatic mental shortcuts (System 1 thinking), using less cognitive effort to simplify decision-making.



Gender disparities in healthcare manifest in many ways, more often impacting women more than men. Even at a foundational level, women often struggle to have their pain and symptoms taken seriously. For example, providers more commonly associate heart attacks with men and often attribute chest pain in women to be anxiety. So much so, that women are 50% more likely to receive an incorrect diagnosis  following a heart attack. Women are also 30% more likely to have their stroke symptoms misdiagnosed, if seen at an emergency department  . Endometriosis, a chronic condition where uterine lining tissue grows outside the uterus, affects 10-15% of women and causes severe pain and bleeding, significantly impacting their quality of life. Despite the severity, it can take 4-11 years for women to receive a correct diagnosis, and up to 60% of endometriosis cases may go undiagnosed  .


Misdiagnosis can be attributed to many factors such as implicit biases, inadequate training and confusing symptoms for other ailments. However, one key factor that keeps clinician biases alive and ongoing stands out: the lack of representation of females (biological sex) in clinical studies. Historically, medical research has predominantly focused on white male subjects, leading to significant gaps in understanding how various conditions manifest differently in women and people of color. The primary reason is that females are considered more "complicated" to test on than males. The physiological changes associated with menstrual cycles and menopause add significant complexity in understanding how the body responds to a specific external stimuli  . Because of this underrepresentation, clinical guidelines and diagnostic criteria are often based on male criteria, perpetuating the issue of women being incorrectly and under diagnosed.  


As complicated as it is to include women in clinical studies, it is imperative to do so. The components that make it difficult to study females is also the exact reasons why it is so important to include them: to understand how the differences in physiology affect outcomes. Authors from The Conversation have compiled an extremely useful infographic on how to include women in clinical studies. 




The Future is Female: A framework to design female physiology research. Olivia Knowles & Severine Lamon from  The Conversation


Disparities in healthcare based on race and ethnicity are widespread and well-documented. Studies have shown that patients of color often receive lower quality care compared to their white counterparts. Clinician biases (both unconscious and conscious) and resulting discriminatory practices erode trust in the healthcare system, discouraging patients from seeking timely care and following medical advice. A survey found that 34% of Black Americans have experienced racial discrimination in healthcare  , leading to a lack of trust and lower engagement with medical services.


 Statistics highlighting health outcome disparities based on race go on and on. Research also shows that Black patients are 22% less likely to receive pain medication compared to white patients presenting with the same symptoms. Providers may believe that Black patients have a higher pain tolerance or are more likely to misuse medications, causing the provider to under-prescribe for pain relief  . As of 2022, the life expectancy for Native and Alaskan Americans was 67.9 years, while it was 77.5 years for the white population  . Additionally, African American infants have a mortality rate of 11.4 per 1,000 live births, nearly twice the national average  .


Using race as a proxy to linking health conditions to populations is inherently problematic. Race groups individuals based on superficial characteristics like skin color and does not account for the underlying genetic diversity within and between groups. Most evolutionary biologists agree that all humans migrated from Africa about 100,000 years ago with most of the genetic variation present in today's populations. After that, climatic and environmental pressures favored certain genetic mutations, allowing individuals with advantageous traits to thrive and reproduce in those environments  . Even in similar geographies, populations blend together independent of our manmade boundaries. Therefore, we cannot place humans into single, definitive racial categories and account for all the variations present in that population.


Race is also a construct deeply entrenched in the institution of healthcare. When recruiting subjects for clinical studies, researchers are often required to recruit participants based on racial groups, label them according to the limited census categories, and report outcomes by racial type to secure NIH grants  . While the goal of expanding research subjects beyond white males is necessary, there should be deeper considerations around associating outcomes based on race. Clinical studies that categorize patient populations based on race perpetuate overly simplistic associations.


Lately, there has been shift from focusing on ancestry over race. Ancestry is a more comprehensive way to view the patient, encompassing their genetic heritage passed down through generations, providing a more precise understanding of an individual's genetic makeup. This approach can lead to better identification of genetic predispositions to certain health conditions and more personalized medical treatments. For example, in America sickle cell disease is most associated with African Americans. When in fact, the sickle cell trait arose as an evolutionary response in areas where malaria was more present, including India, Greece, Italy and Africa  . While this requires an overhaul in how we designate groups in America, how clinical research is conducted and how information is taught to clinicians, using ancestry over race is more likely to foster equitable care. It encourages clinicians to move from automatic System 1 thinking, which associates race with health conditions, to more deliberate System 2 thinking, using designations like Northern-European Descent or Southeast-Asian to consider an individual's ancestry for determining health predispositions.


Demographic inequalities and implicit biases remain significant barriers to achieving equitable healthcare. By acknowledging these issues at a high and nuanced level, we can work to implement targeted strategies. Banyan Consulting Co believes the journey towards health equity is a challenging but essential journey for the well-being of our diverse population.










Implicit Bias Workshops/Trainings for Healthcare Providers: This intervention is the more notable solutions to combatting implicit bias. Providing workshops and trainings for clinicians of all stages (medical students, residents, seasoned physicians and other clinical providers) is useful. The Association of American Medical Colleges has a recommended skills-based curriculum in addressing and managing biases, complete with a syllabus, facilitation guides and presentation slides. The course focuses on understanding bias present between clinicians and patients, clinicians and clinicians (peers) and clinicians within the medical hierarchy (residents and attending doctors, nurses and doctors, etc). Effective trainings could utilize Harvard's Implicit Association Test (IAT), interactive role-playing, case studies and reflective exercises to help individuals address such a hard topic with bravery and self-compassion. Research has shown that bias training can reduce disparities in treatment recommendations by 15-30%, leading to more equitable care and improved health outcomes for marginalized groups  .


Tailored Cultural Competent Care Programs: Since we know socioeconomic status and race are correlate to health outcomes, we can use tools such as the  Opportunity Atlas, or other demographic databases to understand the local makeup for your health organization. Based on that, we can create a customized training so providers can better understand how to care for diverse patient populations. This type of training could include effective communication skills based on patient population, cultural norms, and specific health risks prevalent based on location and access to care. 


Hire a Diverse and Culturally Competent Staff: It is vital to hire staff from the represented populations in the area. It can help improve patients' trust in the healthcare system and provide patients with more ongoing support.


Diverse Educational Materials:  If clinical studies are disseminated to clinicians across the organization, call it to your audience's attention that more research is needed to understand the impact on females or groups based on ancestry. Continuously communicate this to ensure clinicians are aware of the limitations of studies.



1. “Research: Developing Solutions for Misdiagnosis of Heart Disease in Women.” n.d.

2. “Research: Developing Solutions for Misdiagnosis of Heart Disease in Women.” n.d.

3. Knowles, Olivia, and Severine Lamon. 2021. “Why Are Males Still the Default Subjects in Medical Research?” The Conversation. October 4, 2021.

4. Oxtoby, Kathy. 2020. “How Unconscious Bias Can Discriminate against Patients and Affect Their Care.” BMJ 371 (371).

5. Ndugga, Nambi, Latoya Hill, and Samantha Artiga Published. 2024. “Key Data on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity.” KFF. May 21, 2024.

6. Brennan, N., R. Barnes, M. Calnan, O. Corrigan, P. Dieppe, and V. Entwistle. 2013. “Trust in the Health-Care Provider-Patient Relationship: A Systematic Mapping Review of the Evidence Base.” International Journal for Quality in Health Care 25 (6): 682–88.

7. “Race, Genomics, and Health Care.” 2003. AMA Journal of Ethics 5 (6).

8. “Race in a Genetic World.” 2008. Harvard Magazine. May 1, 2008.

9. “Implicit Biases Have an Explicit Impact on Healthcare Outcomes.” n.d. AJMC.

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